This is a list of notable individuals and organizations who have voiced their endorsement of Frank C. Worrell’s campaign.
Organizational Endorsements

Division 14: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology – Ranked #1
Division 15: Educational Psychology
Division 16: School Psychology
Division 17: Society of Counseling Psychology
Division 38: Society for Health Psychology
Division 44: Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
Division 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race
Individual Endorsements
“Dr. Frank Worrell is a leader who has supported the advancement of APA for many years. His wisdom and his forward-thinking are exactly what we need as we move through these difficult and changing times. Dr. Worrell brings multiple perspectives on leadership and is well-prepared to relate to our membership as well as the other health fields with which APA works to heal the world.” — Martha E. Banks, Ph.D.
“I’ve worked alongside Frank many, many times over the years, and I’ve watched his untiring advocacy for psychology, ethical practice, and the wellbeing of children and youth. I believe that I pulled him into one of his first leadership positions within Division 16. Frank’s integrity, wisdom, and untiring dedication will serve us well if he is elected APA president.” — Beth Doll, Ph.D.
“Frank is the right person at the right time to lead our organization.”— Jeff Miller, Ph.D.
“Frank is a phenomenally hard worker, a very talented psychologist, but most importantly, he is kind. For all of Frank’s incredible achievements, he remains humble and exceptionally helpful. I wholeheartedly support Frank for APA President because he works tirelessly for other people. Whether they are early career researchers, students, members of the public, Frank is dedicated to supporting people, and that is the kind of person you want in charge of the association.” — John Perry, Ph.D.
“I’ve known Frank as a very thoughtful and stabilizing influence at APA. He has served there on the Board of Directors, and he is a quiet, strong voice and a consensus builder. In an era where shrill partisanship damages discourse and impede deliberations, I have (several times) seen him balance the need for inclusiveness of all perspectives with the need to get things done. Although he is an academic and a school psychologist, he really understands clinical practice. He will be good for APA. Indeed, he has been a very effective leader at APA for a long time.” — Brian H. Stagner, Ph.D.
“Frank is- Forward thinking, Resourceful, An exceptional advocate of psychology, Notable academic, Knowledgeable about inclusive and collaborative leadership practices.” — Ester Cole, PhD
“Over the years, Frank found ways to learn the ins and outs of APA and there are few as dedicated to the success of the organization, going forward.” — William E. Cross, Jr., PhD
“I enthusiastically endorse Frank!” — Jessica S. Reinhardt, PhD
“I can’t think of a better person to be the next APA President. Frank is a great person, talented professor, and prolific author with insights that are helping to make important advances in School Psychology, Gifted Education, Adolescent Developmental Psychology, understanding Diversity, and applied Social Psychology.” — John Mark Froiland
“I fully support Dr. Worrell’s campaign for APA President. I look forward to the positive and productive changes he will bring to the organization.” —Desiree Vega, PhD
“I fully endorse the candidacy of Dr. Worrell for the APA presidency.” — Brigitte Khoury, PhD
“I fully endorse Frank as the new president of APA. I know Frank as somebody who has a critical view on things, but always positive and just. I think APA, and with it psychologists, will greatly benefit from his knowledge and expertise.” — Sven Mathijssen, MSc
“Frank would be a great APA President – forward thinking, science based, inclusive, and globally aware.” — Merry Bullock, PhD
“I enthusiastically endorse Frank to be the next APA president. He is dedicated, rigorous in his research, cares deeply about the field. He’ll bring an integrative, multi-disciplinary perspective. Personally, he’s warm and has a great sense of humor. He’ll definitely be a unifying force!” — Marie Le-Eloy, PhD
“I can say that it’s an honour to endorse Frank C. Worrell for the post of President. In 2000, Frank along with two colleagues normed various reading/phonemic tests to be used in our twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago. This was completed along with other essential training programmes and workshops for our entire department. This department — Student Support Services Division — is a division of the Ministry of Education,Trinidad and Tobago, which is the place of Dr Worrell’s birth. This entire activity extended over a period of about two years and was completed gratis to our fledgling islands. This was the motivated action of a grateful son of the soil, Dr Worrell’s way of paying life forward. Paying life forward is a hallmark, a signature of this humble individual, Dr Frank Worrell. For all these reasons and more, I choose to endorse and support Dr. F. Worrell” — Judith Harris, Trinidad and Tobago
“Frank combines a broad and inclusive perspective with real organizational effectiveness. His experience and values make him a wonderful choice for APA president and I unreservedly endorse him!” — Catherine A. Fiorello, PhD
“I have worked and know Frank for many, many years and cannot think of any other people who would do a better job as APA president that Frank. Please give him your full support. We need him to lead us to a better future.” — Rik Carl D’Amato, PhD.
“I endorse Frank C. Worrell. Special thanks for your support given to the training of psychology students in mainland China. The programs over there are at their early stage of development and they definitely benefit your guidance and leadership.” — Yat Hung Chan, PhD
Vincent Alfonso, PhD
Tammy D. Allen, PhD
Alvin N. Alvarez, PhD
James R. Andretta, PhD
Ron Avi Astor, PhD
Deborah Bandalos, PhD
Martha E. Banks, PhD
Nicole Barnes, PhD
Charla McKinzie Bishop, PhD
Christopher L. Bishop, PsyD
Frances Boulon, PhD
Jeffery P. Braden, PhD
Melissa A. Bray, PhD
Joanne Broder, PhD
Merry Bullock, PhD
Gary L. Canivez, PhD
Timothy A. Cavell, PhDYat Hung Chan, PhDKevin O. Cokley, PhD
Ester Cole, PhD
Tai A. Collins, PhD
William, E. Cross, Jr., PhD
Alisa Crovetti, PhD
Timothy W. Curby, PhD
Rik Carl D’Amato, PhD
James DiPerna, PhD
Dante D. Dixson, PhD
Beth Doll, PhD
Louise Douce, PhD
Tanya L. Eckert, PhD
Peony E. Fhagen, PhD
Catherine A. Fiorello, PhD
Helenrose Fives, PhD
Randy Floyd, PhD
John Mark Froiland, PhD
Milton A. Fuentes, PhD
BraVada Garrett-Akinsanya, PhD
Kurt Geisinger, PhD
Christine Gerchow, PhD
Terry S. Gock, PhD
Sandra Graham, PhD
DeLeon Gray, PhD
Anne Gregory, PhD
Candice Hargons, PhD
Judith Harris, MA
Michael L. Hendricks, PhD
Tammy L. Hughes, PhD
Shane Jimerson, PhD
Josephine Johnson, PhD
Janine Jones, PhD
Austin H. Johnson, PhD
Randy Kamphaus, PhD
Justin Karr, PhD
Gwendolyn Keita, PhD
Brigitte Khoury, PhD
Laurie Klose, PhD
Marie Le-Eloy, PhD
Felice Levine, PhD
Celeste M. Malone, PhD
Sven Mathijssen, MSc
Ali Mattu, PhD
James J. Mazza, PhD
Rick McGraw, PhD
Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, PhD
Jeff Miller, PhD
Antoinette Miranda, PhD
Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter, PhD
Donald Moss, PhD
Bonnie K. Nastasi, PhD
Helen A Neville, PhD
Alejandra Ojeda-Beck, PhD
Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, PhD
Frederick L. Oswald, PhD
Sally Payson Hays, PhD
Patricia Perez, PhD
John Perry, PhD
Kate Perry, PhD
Sherrie L. Proctor, Ph.D.
Kisha Radliff, PhD
Tara C. Raines
Linda Reddy, PhD
Jessica S. Reinhardt, PhD
Andres De Los Reyes, PhD
Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD
Christine Rubie-Davies, PhD
Peter L. Sheras, PhD
Sam Song, PhD
Brian Stagner, PhD
Amanda Sullivan, PhD
Harold Takooshian, PhD
Lea Theodore, PhD
Pablo Tinio, PhD
Beverly J. Vandiver, PhD
Kris Varjas, PhD
Enedina Vázquez, PhD
Luis A Vázquez, PhD
Melba J. T. Vasquez, PhD
Desiree Vega, PhD
Cixin Wang, PhD
Rhona S. Weinstein, PhD
Malcolm Woodland, PhD
Chunyan Yang, PhD
Mercedes A. Zapata, PhD
Sheldon Zedeck, PhD
Campaign Advisors
Core Team
Christine Gerchow, PhD (Campaign Co-Chair)
Academic Talent Development Program, University of California, Berkeley
Tammy L. Hughes, PhD (Campaign Co-Chair)
Duquesne University
James R. Andretta, PhD
Bridgetown Psychological, LLC
Dante D. Dixson, PhD
Michigan State University
Justin E. Karr, PhD
University of Kentucky
Mercedes A. Zapata, PhD
San Francisco Unified School District
Extended Team
Melissa Bray, PhD
University of Connecticut
Edwin Carlos
University of California, Berkeley
Mildred Flores
University of California, Berkeley
Lauren Gammie
University of Connecticut
Shane Jimerson, PhD
University of California, Santa Barbara
Elaine Luo
University of California, Berkeley
Samuel Pierce
University of California, Berkeley
Linda Reddy, PhD
Rutgers University
Samuel Song, PhD
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Lea Theodore, PhD
Adelphi University
Enedina Vazquez, PhD
New Mexico State University